Join us for free, guided nature walks

Matthaei Botanical Gardens is hosting free guided nature walks on select Wednesdays and Sundays.  These walks are FREE, no registration is required. Wonder Walks are designed for all ages to inspire curiosity and learning from each other through activities that model curiosity and honor nature. If we have a sizeable mixed-age group, we may separate into two sets to offer the same content at different levels of engagement.

Wednesday walks begin at 5:30 pm.  Sunday walks begin at 1:00 pm. We recommend gathering inside the lobby of Matthaei Botanical Gardens about 10 minutes before the start.

Wednesday Walks

Wednesday walks begin at 5:30 PM. We recommend gathering at the front entrance steps of Matthaei Botanical Gardens at 5:20 PM.

Sunday Walks

Sunday walks begin at 1:00 PM. We recommend gathering at the front entrance steps of Matthaei Botanical Gardens at 12:50 PM.


Sunday, May 12: Trillium Trek Spring flowers, plants adaptations to access to sunlight, and changes in quality and quantity of sunlight throughout spring.

Wednesday, May 22: Turtles MBGNA is home to a variety of turtles. Celebrate World Turtle Day and learn why turtles are so important to the ecosystems and deeply interconnected to the landscapes and life here.


Sunday, June 9: Plant and Pollinator Relationships Learn how native plants provide habitat, food, and shelter for pollinators. 

Wednesday, June 19: Bugs are Beautiful Let's look for bugs that are so important to our local ecosystem


Sunday, July 14: Summer along Fleming Creek  Explore the shady paths along Fleming Creek, learn about native trees and go on a scavenger hunt for unique leaf shapes

Wednesday, July 17: Summer along Fleming Creek  Explore the shady paths along Fleming Creek, learn about native trees and go on a scavenger hunt for unique leaf shapes


Wednesday, August 7:  Late summer trail hike. Explore the Great Lakes Garden or the open fields around Willow Pond to look for late-summer flowers and beautiful native grasses.

Sunday, August 11:  Late summer trail hike. Explore the Explore the Labyrinth & Prairie trail.
