three women in aprons smile with plants behind them

In preparation for the Spring Plant Sale, Greenhouse 3 at Matthaei Botanical Gardens has been transformed by a mass of colorful flowers, baskets, and planters. Amidst the potting soil and plants, a trio of dedicated volunteers known affectionately as 'The Plant Sale Ladies' come together weekly to prepare for the event, a tradition they've upheld for decades. Their commitment and expertise have become integral to the success of the sale, driving its evolution and growth alongside staff. Intrigued by the tales I'd heard about this dynamic team, I was eager to get to know them, and they graciously invited me to one of their work sessions.

Mona, Lee, and Sarah look at each other and smile while talking
The Plant Sale Ladies include Mona, Lee, and Sarah

Entering the world of The Plant Sale Ladies was like stepping into a gathering of old friends. Their camaraderie was palpable, with inside jokes and easy conversation filling the air. As I settled in with my laptop, Mona, Sarah, and Lee welcomed me into their fold with welcoming, dirt-covered arms.

The Plant Sale Ladies have over 65 years of combined volunteer experience with MBGNA and have been working alongside staff to organize the Spring Plant Sale of annual flowers since its inception.

Sarah, who has dedicated 21 years to volunteering with MBGNA, reflected on how the group's involvement has evolved over time. Initially, they focused on supporting the planting of perennials, but their role shifted when Matthaei Botanical Gardens pivoted to hosting a Spring Plant Sale. Since then, the team has worked with MBGNA staff to manage the ordering, growth, and arrangements for the sale. "The Spring Plant Sale has evolved and grown each year," Sarah says. "We have a diverse selection, ranging from plants suited for sunny spots to those ideal for shady areas, and even deer-resistant varieties - although no promises about the deer," she adds with a laugh.

Mona began volunteering with Matthaei Botanical Gardens over 30 years ago after being drawn in by a plant show MBG hosted. She was reticent to talk about herself, but Sarah chimed in, “Mona is underplaying her skills - She’s a Master Gardener! She lives on ten gorgeous acres with a pond, an orchard, a vegetable garden, and gorgeous perennial beds. She’s so talented!”

Lee is a newcomer to the group, with “only” 15 years on the team. Her favorite aspect of volunteering with MBGNA is stepping into the warmth of the greenhouse and watching things grow. In addition to her contributions to the plant sale, Lee finds joy in interacting with visitors and experiencing their enthusiasm for the plants firsthand. "It's a chance to connect with people and share in their excitement," she elaborates.

Sarah smiles while planting flowers into a pot
Sarah smiles while planting flowers into a pot

They stop for a moment to consider Sarah’s arrangement that she’s working on - she asks the group “Should I fill this spot?” pointing to a small empty spot between flowers. She then shakes her head, answering herself, “That’s coleus growing, and when I look at the others, well, look - that’s a big plant now!” Sarah turns back to me and explains “They all start out really little when the plants arrive in February and then they end up being monstrously huge and healthy. We have to be able to know how they grow for the arrangements to be successful.”  

It’s this personal touch that ensures each plant receives the utmost care and attention, resulting in their remarkable growth and health. As Sarah mentioned, "We're all gardeners, and we plant these in our own gardens, so we can speak to the plants from experience. 'Yes, it really is part shade,' or 'That was supposed to do this, but it sure didn't!'” This intimate familiarity with the plants allows The Plant Sale Ladies to anticipate their needs and nurture them to their full potential. Each plant is evidence of the dedication and expertise of these volunteers.

As we talked, we touched on how events like the Spring Plant Sale play a role in fostering a deeper public connection with nature. "Annuals are like the gateway to a love of gardening!" Sarah says with a smile. "They're bright, pretty, and take little skill. Then, it encourages people to try perennials, native plants, and branch out."

Lee looks up from filling a pot with dirt to smile
Lee pauses from filing a pot with dirt to share a smile.

Mona agrees, "It brings people to Matthaei, inspires them to see what we're doing here”.  Lee nods, adding that she is grateful this year that the sale will be in person again since it will allow shoppers to visit with and be inspired by the plants and people.  

When asked what message they'd like to share with potential volunteers, their response is unanimous: "Do it!" says Mona emphatically. Sarah adds, "Get involved! You don't have to be a master gardener." Lee nods, "It’s a welcoming place to volunteer, everyone is tolerant and helpful about teaching on the job.”

In the company of these plant-loving friends, it's easy to see why the Spring Plant Sale thrives. Their dedication, friendship, and genuine passion for nature make the sale possible and create a welcoming space for all who enter.

So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a budding enthusiast, mark your calendars for May 11-12 and join the Spring Plant Sale at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. The Plant Ladies will be there to welcome you with their knowledge, enthusiasm, and a wide variety of arrangements for you to shop.

stunning baskets and planters of colorful flowers
Kerry Sprague, M.S.
Marketing and Communications Manager
Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum
