
1921-B014:16 Symposium II rating: 8.7
1928-B:44 Double. 8.7 (Sym. 1921). Red.
1928-B-d:119 Rose type; large; midseason. Dark, clear crimson, with a very brilliant sheen, with a few yellow stamens buried in the collar; notably fragrant for a red variety. Medium height; very free-flowering; strong stems. Good foliage. A very good red variety similar to KARL ROSENFIELD, but not so bright as either thiat variety or LONGFELLOW. Has an excellent incurved ball form, with overlapping, crinkled, and fringed petals. Good for both exhibition and garden decoration. “No fragrance and not a strong grower in the Atlantic States,”—Boyd.
1953-B130:30 8.7. D. Bright red with some stamens. Mid-season. Many consider this one of the best of all reds. It still is one cf the greatest for both exhibition and the garden.
1976-K:126 (1907) Double, midseason, dark, clear crimson.
1996-K:059 (1907) – Double, late mid-season, dark, clear crimson.