
1916-Farr:26 Very large, rose type. Pale hydrangea-pink, 1(132), center shaded darker; collar tinted silver. Fragrance XX. Tall, strong grower, free bloomer. Early. 50 cts.
1921-B014:15 Symposium II rating: 8.1
1928-B:41 Double. 8.1 (Sym. 1921). Syn., Leonie. Pink.
1928-B-d:123 Double type; large; early. Globular at first, very light old-rose-pink with creamy tints in the collar, and the somewhat darker center strongly marked with crimson flakes; very fragrant. Tall; extremely floriferous; strong stems. Excellent foliage. A cut-flower variety of considerable popularity because of its earliness, unfailing productiveness, and the general high quality of its blooms. “Blooms are not of high quality until third year or later; perhaps more noticeable in this variety than most others.”—Fewkes.
1976-K:064 (Miellez, 1856) Syn. LEONIE. Double – Pink – Early. Tall. Very fragrant. Large. Globular at first, very light-old-rose-pink with creamy tints in the collar, and the somewhat darker center strongly marked with crimson flakes. Extremely floriferous; strong stems. Excellent foliage – Midseason.
1996-K:095 (Miellez) FESTIVA MAXIMA (Miellez)