
1921-B014:13 Symposium II rating: 8.5
1928-B:36 Double. 8.3 (Sym. 1925). White, yellow center.
1928-B-d:104 Anemone; large; midseason. Guards cup-like, cream-white fading lighter; center tuft canary-yellow paling almost white, and marked with prominent crimson spots; rank odor. Possibly it is technically a double-type flower but it is of distinct anemone or flatfish globular form. The blooms seem to be frequently imperfect, opening sideways. No description available of its characteristics as a plant. Not very popular and offered by few growers.
1976-K:043 (Lemoine, 1916) – Double – White – Midseason. Rank odor. Anemone; large. Guards cup-like, cream-white fading lighter; center tuft canary-yellow paling almost white, and marked with prominent crimson spots. Possibly it is of technically a double-type flower but is of distinct anemone or flattish globular form. The blooms seem to be frequently imperfect, opening sideways. M.