
1916-Farr:38 Very large, compact, globular, rose type. Deep lilac-white, 4(7), blush center, prominently flecked carmine. Fragrant. Extra strong, free bloomer. Midseason. Extra good. $1.50.
1918-B006-I:12 1921-B014:14 Symposium II rating: 8.5
1923-SPN:347 1928-B:38 Double. 8.5 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:110 Double type; large; midseason. Globular shape, with light old-rose-pink guards and collar, and a slightly darker center prominently flaked with red, the whole flower of a distinctly lavender tone; spicy fragrance. Medium height; floriferous; good stems and foliage. Much confused with a false white variety which has a high, broad crown. The true LA PERLE is pale lavender-pink, darker than VENUS, and is considered an excellent sort. “Very dainty and beautiful.”—Boyd. “The old color description, ‘lilac-white,’ is much better, or lavender-pink as given in the second paragraph. One of the very few beautiful varieties in this color. Highly fragrant, but not spicy.”—Saunders.
1976-K:052 (Crousse, 1886) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Spicy fragrance. Large, globular shape, with light old-rose-pink guards and collar, and a slightly darker center prominently flaked with red. Whole flower of a distinctly lavender tone; floriferous. Good stems and foliage. Much confused with a false white variety which has a high, broad crown.