
1918-B006-I:10 Symposium II rating: 8.5
1923-SPN:346 Double. 8.8 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B:35 Double type; large; late. Guards and well-defined crown bright, light pink, with a collar of shorter creamy petals tinted yellow at base; mildly fragrant. Medium height, floriferous; good stems and foliage. A handsome variety of variable tints but always showing a sharply differentiated collar. Cluster-flowering and excellent for garden decoration. “A beautiful flower when cut but probably not good for the cut-flower trade because of its mixed color.”—Saunders.
1928-B-d:103 (Brand, 1907) – Double – Pink – Late. Medium height. Mild fragrance. Large. Guards and well defined crown bright, light pink, with a collar of shorter creamy petals tinted yellow at base; floriferous; good stems and foliage. A handsome variety of variable tints but always showing a sharply differentiated collar. Cluster-flowering and excellent for garden decoration. M.
1976-K:040 (1907) Double, pink.
1976-K:126 (1907) – Double, pink.
1996-K:058 8.8. D. LM. Flesh pink. A distinctive flower that is often beautiful. Globular bloom. Exhibition. Rose fragrant.