
1923-018:29 Rg Double row of broad rounded petals of deep shell pink, with a mass of golden stamens. The petals have a great deal of substance and do not droop for a long time. Stems tall and erect. Foliage dark green and heavy. Early midseason.
1928-B:65 Single. 9.0 (by Directors’ vote). Pink.
1928-B-d:102 Single. 9.0 (by Directors’ vote). Pink. Single type; early. Double row of broad, round, dark shell-pink petals with a mass of golden stamens in center. Stems tall and erect. Dark green foliage. Usually one of the first of the Chinese peonies to bloom.
1933-Sup:05 Single. 8.88 (Sym. 1933).
1938-W&D:108 (Thurlow, 1922) 8.9 Single. Large, rose pink, early. Carpels hairy, with red tips; disk conspicuous, dark pink. Plant medium size, spreading; flowers held well above foliage.
1940-Cat-CHN:52 9.0 Stems very tall and erect, and broad, dark green foliage. A double row of broad rounded petals of deep shell-pink surround a mass of golden stamens. The petals are of good substance and hold their attractive cup shape without drooping. The earliest to bloom and the highest rated of the single flowered peonies. L. D.
1962-W:077 Single. Distinctive light salmon pink petals with golden stamens and red pistils with red tops. Blooms very early from rigid, 34″ stems with such hybrids as Bravura, Red Red Rose, and Dauntless.
1976-K:039 (Thurlow, 1922) – Single – Pink – Early. Tall. Double row of broad, round, dark shell-pink petals with a mass of golden stamens in center. Erect stems. Dark green foliage. Usually one of the first Chinese peonies to bloom. M.