
1921-B014:12 Symposium II rating: 9.2
1928-B:34 Double. 9.2 (Sym. 1925). White.
1928-B-d:100 Double type; large; late. White, with faint lemon tints in the depths of the petals; mildly fragrant. Medium height; floriferous, strong stems. Good foliage. Excellent form and generally considered an improvement on MIREILLE (Crousse, 1894). Awarded First Class Certificate at National Peony Show, Detroit, Michigan, June 17, 1919, and Certificate of Merit at National Peony Show, Philadelphia, June 18, 19, and 20, 1921. “One of the best whites we have.”—Boyd. “A charming white.”—Christman.
1943-B091:26 lactiflora. Double. Pure white. F.C.C. Very large.
1976-K:037 (Saunders, 1920) – Double – White – Late. Medium height. Mild fragrance. Large, white with faint lemon tints in the depths of the petals. Floriferous, strong stems. Good foliage. M.
1976-K:149 (1920) Double white. lactiflora.
1996-K:111 (1920) – Double white. lactiflora.