Additional Details

1916-Farr:24 Large, globular, typical bomb. Brilliant red, 3(155). Fragrance X. Strong, vigorous grower, medium height, free bloomer. One of the best red varieties. 75 cts.
1921-B014:11 Symposium II rating: 8.4
1928-B:32 Double. 8.4 (Sym. 1921). Syn., Victor Hugo. Red.
1928-B-d:096 Double type; large; late midseason. Brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; poor fragrance. Medium height; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good. Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties. “For a red, it is hard to beat in color.”—Boyd. “Compact, globular bloom of good form; outer or guard petals are wider than central petals, and as bloom develops these petals flex outward and central petals still keep their convex form.”—Thurlow.
1938-W&D:149 (Crousse, 1881) 8.4 D or SD. amaranth purple
1962-W:075 Double. Globular bomb type, brilliant, red. Named for Felix Crousse of Nancy, 1840-1925, who took over Calot’s peony collection in 1880. Late. Long the most popular red variety.
1976-K:030 (Crousse, 1881) – Syn. VICTOR HUGO. Double – Red – Late Midseason. Medium height. Poor fragrance. Large, brilliant crimson of even tone and silky luster; very floriferous; stems weak. Foliage good. Has weak stems which need support. Its very clear crimson color makes no pretensions to scarlet. One of the best red varieties. M.