
1928-B:31 Double. 9.0 Director’s Vote. Pink.
1928-B-d:092 Double type; very large; midseason. A loose flower of medium pink on long, fairly strong stems; fragrant. Floriferous; vigorous; tall. This variety holds its color unusually well in the sun.
1933-Sup:05 Double. 8.84 (Sym. 1933).
1935-B060:07 8.84. Double. Late midseason. Pink. With tall, strong stems topped by a flower of unusual size and beauty of form of a splendid medium pink, this peony ranks as one of the best and most dependable of the recent introductions. No discouraging reports have been received of its performance and it would seem that its rating of 8.84 was not very representative of its real worth.
1953-B130:31 8.84. D. M. Medium dark pink. Medium tall. Strong stems. An excellent variety. One of the best of the famous “Thirteen.”
1962-W:075 Double. Distinctive pink tone holding color well into the season. Three-foot stems make an attractive bush, but they may droop if overburdened. Blooms regularly.
1976-K:025 Double – Pink – Late Midseason. Medium tall. Fragrant. Very large. A loose flower of medium pink on long fairly strong stems. Floriferous; vigorous. This variety holds its color unusually well in the sun. M.
1976-K:126 Double, late. Medium pink, flowers large.
1996-K:058 Double, late. Medium pink, flowers large.