
1928-B:31 Double. 8.5 (by Directors’ vote). Pink.
1928-B-d:092 Cup-shaped flower of perfect form but small; carmine-hydrangea pink† shaded silvery salmon. Stem good; medium height. Information taken from introducer’s description. † An example of queer color nomenclature. Carmine is a form of crimson and quite purplish, whereas Ridgway’s hydrangea-pink is yellowish pink. Silvery salmon could be translated silvery golden pink! I take it, the describer meant that the flower is flesh-pink with salmon shading.—Stevens.
1933-Sup:05 Double. 8.58 (Sym. 1933).
1935-B060:07 8.58. Double. Midseason. Pink. It is a remarkable fact that many people think the fact that a peony is semi-double is a crime that cannot be forgiven and so many complain that this is just a semi-double flower. The outstanding beauty of its glorious soft pink coloring, its graceful bearing and its wonderful blooming properties are completely forgotten. All who admire a semi-double flower will place this peony close to the top of the list, for few in its class can surpass it in its dainty beauty and charm.
1976-K:025 Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Cup-shaped flower of perfect form but small; carmine-hydrangea pink, shaded silvery salmon. Stems good. A glorious soft pink, graceful bearing, and wonderful properties. List in Bulletin 60. M.