
1921-B014:21 Symposium II rating: 8.4
1928-B:56 Double. 8.4 (Sym. 1925)- Crimson.
1928-B-d:150 Double-type; large; early midseason. Very dark crimson petals with a blackish sheen mingled with yellow stamens; not fragrant. Tall; free-flowering; strong stems. Dark foliage. A loose, big-petaled flower of value for garden decoration because of the excellent habit of the plant. “Blooms early and lasts well without burning.”—Little. “Erect, tall, strong grower.”—Boyd.
1976-K:105 (Shaylor, 1916) – Double – Red – Early Midseason. Tall. Large. Very dark crimson petals with a blackish sheen mingled with yellow stamens. Free-flowering, strong stems. Dark foliage. A loose, big petaled flower of value for garden decoration because of the excellent habit of the plant. “Blooms early and lasts well without burning.”-Little. “Erect, tall strong grower.”-Boyd. M.