
1916-Farr:35 Large, loose, semi-double. Uniform bright rose, 1(128), fading to rose-white. Fragrance XX. Erect, tall, strong grower, free bloomer. Midseason. Very distinct and fine. $4.
1920-B010:40 Silvery pink, shading to white; a very delicate flower. Certificated by Massachusetts Horticultural Society. $.75. (Catalogue of 1904.) Cornell Bulletin 306, p. 83. Symposium 1919; seven votes; one 10, one 8, four 7’s, one 6. Average 7.4. “Welcome Guest is a strong grower and free bloomer. It is fragrant and has a loose semi-double flower of rose-pink which fades to rose-white. The flower is large but not nearly so large as Standard Bearer.” (James Boyd.) Sold by: 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18. 35, 48, 49. Grown by: 4, 19, 20, 23J 29., 32, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46.
1921-B014:21 Symposium II rating: 7.9
1928-B:56 Double. 7.8 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1976-K:103 (Hollis, 1904) – Double – Pink – Midseason.