
1940-080:38 Double, bright clear red, containing almost no blue. Fades very little, if any. Dependable bloomer every year. Buds all open and color carries better than most reds. Stems strong and stand about 30 inches high. Formerly carried No. 2-35. Large bloom. Seedling # 2-35.
1943-B091:09 lactiflora. Double. Seedling No. 2-35. A very distinctive dark red pink or rosy red. Excellent plant and stems. Showy flower. A.H.A.M.
1962-W:079 Double. A popular peony that has every desirable quality except color; dull red blooms with a hint of blue and silver, the flowers fade very little and are extremely durable. With the exception of Wabash no peony has a more robust bush with stout 3′ stems which bear early flowers.
1976-K:047 (Bigger, 1940) – Double – Red – Early. 30″ high. Bright clear red, containing almost no blue. Fades very little, if any. Dependable bloomer every year. Buds all open and color carries better than most reds. Stems strong. Large bloom. Mr. Bigger’s 1955 list says 1942. Bulletin 80 shows it registered in 1940.
1976-K:125 (1942) Double, red.
1996-K:057 (1942) – Double, red.