
1928-B:54 Double. 8.7 Director’s Vote. White.
1928-B-d:145 Anemone type; large; midseason. Broad white guard petals, sometimes marked crimson on outside, and smaller pale canary-yellow petals in the center, lighter at the tips when first opening, and fading to pure white. The introducer calls it “rose,” that is, double type, but the flowers observed were certainly not; however, the carpels seemed inclined to “feather” or develop as petals, and possibly well-grown specimens would show true double form. Crimson lines are frequent in the center, but some flowers lack them.
1933-Sup:08 Double. 8.45 (Sym. 1933).
1935-B060:13 8.45. Lacti. Double. Late midseason. White. Large flowers of creamy white with yellowish tints, broad petals fringed at the ends, medium height, when well done this makes a flower of great beauty.
1939-RL:10 Double. 8.45, White.
1976-K:097 (Lemoine, 1924) – Double – White – Midseason. Anemone type, large. Broad white guard petals, sometimes marked crimson on outside, and smaller pale canary-yellow petals in the center, lighter at the tips when first opening, and fading pure white. The introducer calls it “rose”, that is, double type, but the flowers observed were certainly not, however, the carpels seemed inclined to “feather” or develop as petals, and possibly well grown specimens would show true double form. Crimson lines are frequent in the center, but some flowers lack this. M.