
1916-Farr:40 A flower of elegant form and superb coloring. Bengal rose, shaded deeper, showing golden stamens. Strong stems. Not for sale.
1921-B014:20 Symposium II rating: 8.0
1928-B:54 Double. 8.2 (Sym. 1925). Bengal-pink.
1928-B-d:145 Double type; large; midseason. Clear rose-pink, with deeper old-rose in center of petals, brightened by yellow reflections from numerous stamens; mildly fragrant. Medium height; extremely floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. An attractive, loose, fluffy sort of bright color and profuse blooming quality. Valued for garden decoration. “Rather coarse, but effective.”—Saunders. “I like it well.”—Mrs. Edward Harding.
1976-K:096 (Dessert, 1911) – Double – Rose-Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Mildly fragrant. Large. Clear rose pink, with deeper old-rose in center of petals, brightened by yellow reflections from numerous stamens. Extremely floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. M.