
1916-Farr:40 Unusually large, full, compact, globular, crown type. Outer petals very delicate lilac-white, deepening toward the center, with salmon shading. An unusual and indescribable coloring of rare beauty. Very strong, erect, tall grower. Late. Extra good. $10.
1921-B014:20 Symposium II rating: 9.7
1928-B:53 Double. 9.7 (Sym. 1921). Buff or buff-white.
1928-B-d:143 Double type; large; late. Compact, globular form, opening slowly and not acquiring full development for several days; cream-white, with a suffusion of buff and pale salmon-pink; very faint, unpleasant fragrance. Medium height; moderately floriferous; stems and foliage of average quality, dark green with reddish green veins. A favorite variety of unusual tint about which peony writers have become most enthusiastic. The form of the bud is cramped and tight and it lacks grace. Its great merit is its color. “When well grown it has perfect form.”—Brand. “Well-developed flowers are often very good in form.”—Saunders. “Invariably in the prize-winning classes.”—Christman. “With many it is a greater favorite than LE CYGNE. In a class by itself.”— Little. “Its only fault is a somewhat defective stem.”—Fewkes. “Sometimes has tight buds and fails to open. Coloring is beautiful and distinct.”—Boyd.
1939-RL:10 Double. 9.70, Flesh.
1962-W:087 Double. Full compact globular crown type. Outer petals lilac white deepening toward center with salmon shading. Late, does not always open well.
1976-K:093 (Lemoine, 1907) – Double – Buff or buff-white – Late. Medium height. Unpleasant fragrance, very faint. Double type, large. Compact, globular form, opening slowly and not acquiring full development for several days; cream-white, with a suffusion of buff and pale salmon-pink, very faint, unpleasant fragrance. Moderately floriferous, stems and foliage of average quality, dark green with reddish green veins. A favorite variety of unusual tint about which peony writers have become enthusiastic. The form of the bud is cramped and tight and lacks grace. Its great merit is its color. M.