
1921-B014:20 Symposium II rating: 8.6
1928-B:52 Double. 8.5 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:141 Double type; large; midseason. Light rose-pink, a little paler in the collar and lightly marked with crimson in the center; not notably fragrant. Dwarf; very free-flowering; stiff stems. Good foliage. Not very well known, although it is a very handsome flower. “One of Terry’s best.”— Thurlow. “Slow of propagation and an unsatisfactory variety from growers’ standpoint.”—Little. “A very fine and satisfactory variety with me.”—Fewkes. “Large, compact flower. Rather dwarf plant but sturdy in growth.”—Boyd.
1976-K:090 (Terry, 1901) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Dwarf. Not notably fragrant. Light rose-pink, a little paler in the collar and lightly marked crimson in the center. Very free-flowering; stiff stems. Good foliage. M.