Additional Details

1916-Farr:23 Large, flat, semi-rose type. Pure white, with a ring of yellow stamens around a tuft of center petals, tipped carmine. Medium tall, splendid grower, free bloomer. Late. One of the best white varieties. 75 cts.
1921-B014:10 Symposium II rating: 8.1
1928-B:28 Double. 8.1 (Sym. 1921). Syn., Dorothy E. Kibby. White.
1928-B-d:088 Double type; large; late. Full, evenly rounded, white flowers illumined near the center by a ring of yellow stamens, center petals tipped with crimson; odor strong, like water-lilies. Medium height; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. A dependable, late white sort of good habit for both cutting and garden decoration. Some find its odor disagreeable.
1976-K:017 Double – White – Late. Syn. DOROTHY E. KIBBY. Medium height. Strong fragrance, like water lilies. Large, full, evenly rounded white flowers illumined near the center by a ring of yellow stamens, center petals tipped with crimson; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. A dependable, later white sort of good habit for both cutting and garden decoration. Some find its odor disagreeable. Dependable. M.