Additional Details

1916-Farr:33 Perfectly formed, crown-shaped flower, with broad silvery pink guards and cream petals, with center crown deep pink splashed crimson. Medium late. S5.
1921-B014:09 Symposium II rating: 8.4
1928-B:27 Double. 8.4 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:087 Double type; large; late. Guards and crown light rose, the latter surrounded by a belt of red-edged petals; collar creamy white; excellent fragrance. Tall; strong grower; floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. Quite distinct. In early stages a dumpy, conical shape; later the crown expands horizontally making a cylindrical or “plug-hat” flower. The color fades also, becoming white in collar and extreme center. Plant is excellent for garden decoration. “A very distinct and interesting flower.”—Boyd. “Rose-type bloom when first opening, but soon expanding into a very high crown so that flower is oftentimes higher than it is broad.”—Thurlow.
1953-B130:29 8.4. D. LM. Silvery pink with a collar of creamy yellow petals. The flower is cone shaped at its best. Fragrant.
1976-K:014 Double – Pink – Late. Tall. Excellent fragrance. Large. Guards and crown light rose, the latter surrounded by a belt of red-edged petals; collar creamy white. Strong grower; floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. Quite distinct. Midseason.
1976-K:126 Double, pink.
1996-K:058 Double, pink.