
1916-Farr:36 Very large, flat, compact, bomb. Rose-white, 3(8), flecked crimson. Fragrant. Tall, erect, free bloomer. Late. Extra. $1.50.
1921-B014:07 Symposium II rating: 8.6
1928-B:23 Double. 8.6 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:079 Double type; large; late. Light rose-pink with a creamy tone, richly tinted with flesh-pink in a deep, rose-like center when fully open; mildly fragrant. Tall; a profuse bloomer; strong stems and good foliage. The flowers are ball-like and compact, with smooth, incurved guards and a rounded center of rather narrow, notched petals. The color is very fresh and similar to, but lighter than that of MARIE CROUSSE. Professor Saunders considers salmon-pink a closer approximation of the color. Mr. Thurlow calls it “one of the very best late peonies we have.”
1976-K:002 Double – Light Pink – Late. Tall. Mild fragrance. Light rose-pink with a creamy tone, richly tinted with flesh-pink in a deep, rose-like center when fully open. A profuse bloomer; strong stems and good foliage. Large. The flowers are ball-like and compact, with smooth incurved guards and a rounded center of rather narrow notched petals. The color is very fresh and similar to, but lighter than that of Marie Crousse. Midseason.