
1921-B014:18 Symposium II rating: 8.8
1928-B:49 Double. 8.9 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:136 Double type; large; midseason. Incurved guards and a crumpled center of light rose-pink, paling to blush-white with a golden suffusion from its many stamens; central petals boldly marked with crimson; strong, fresh fragrance. Tall; floriferous, stiff stems. Good foliage. A large, loose flower and a good decorative plant in the garden. “Similar to LADY ALEXANDRA DUFF, which it resembles much in coloring and habit. A fine variety.”—Little, and Fewkes.
1940-Cat-CHN:53 8.9 Large, cup-shaped blooms of deep shell-pink suffused yellow from the stamens interspersed with-.the petals. Clear fragrance. Midseason. Similar in coloring and habit to Lady Alexandra Duff, but flowers are larger and borne on longer stems. L. D.
1976-K:080 (Thurlow, 1916) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Tall. Strong, fresh fragrance. Large, incurved guards and a crumpled center of light rose-pink, paling to blush-white with a golden suffusion from its many stamens; central petals boldly marked with crimson; floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. M.