Additional Details

1928-B:24 Double. 8.7 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:082 Double type; large; midseason. Big, round petals symmetrically graduated toward a loose center which shows a few stamens; intensely pink, no blue and no yellow—each petal edged with a narrow silvery border; fragrance not notable. Plant of moderate height and seems fairly prolific. A striking new sort of unusually vivid color and wheel-like form. The characteristics of established plants have yet to be determined. “I should not call this flower pink at all. It is a very unusual shade of light red, a very solid color but not without some blue in it.”—Saunders. “My notes say that real petal color is violet-rose 154 (2) but total effect lilac-rose 152 (2) (French color chart). This would bear out Professor Saunders that there is blue in the color. Further, color rather in splashes on white ground, making total effect pink but real color is much brighter, more of a cherry-red. Fragrance unpleasant. Habit strong; tall stems; single buds only medium in quantity. Fair as a cut bloom but much better in the garden as its bold color makes an accent.”—Thurlow.
1976-K:006 – Double. Pink. Late Midseason. Moderate height. Fragrance not noticeable. Large. Big round petals symmetrically graduated toward a loose center which shows a few stamens intensely pink, no blue, and no yellow – each petal edged with a narrow silvery border. Fairly prolific. Midseason.