
1916-Farr:35 Very large, compact, flat, rose type. Guards hydrangea-pink, 1(132), center lilac-white, fading to milk-white. Fragrance X. Medium, tall, free bloomer. Early midseason. $15.
1920-B010:33 An elegant violet-tinted flower, petals radiating evenly from centre in all directions: reminds one of Milton Hill. Extra. $15.00. (Catalogue 1907.) Cornell .Bulletin 306, p. 140. Symposium 1919; one vote, 7. Sold by: 10, 14, 16. Grown by: 20, 23, 35, 38, 47, 49, 50.
1921-B014:18 Symposium II rating: 8.5
1928-B:48 Double. 8.7 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:133 Double type; very large; early midseason. Outer petals light flesh-pink, paling to nearly white in the center; only slightly scented. Medium height; free-flowering. Similar to Milton Hill, with a very perfect star-like center when fully open. Not well known or widely distributed. “Never able to obtain healthy stock.”—Little. “Should be rated not higher than 8.2.”—Christman.
1976-K:076 (Hollis, 1907) – Double – Pink – Early Midseason. Medium height. Slightly scented. Very large. Outer petals light flesh-pink, paling to nearly white in the center; free flowering. M.