Additional Details

1923-SPN:344 Double. 8.1 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:081 Anemone type; large; midseason. Pale, rose-pink guard-petals, veined with darker pink; center composed of very long, narrow petaloids fringed at tips, yellow at the base, paling lighter and tinted pink at the edges; carpels pale, waxy green with pink tips; faintly fragrant. Medium tall; strong growth; free-blooming. Foliage medium with reddish green veins. An extremely variable variety, both in color and form. Frequently produces blooms of almost true Japanese type, and often the center is feathered with broad petals of the same color as the guards. Curious, but scarcely beautiful or reliable. “Rating much too high.”—Fewkes. “Not very desirable.”—Saunders. “A mediocre variety with us.”—Thurlow. “Established plants produce fully transformed flowers of uniform violet-rose coloring that are very beautiful.”—Little.
1938-W&D:123 Japanese. Large, light Tyrian pink, midseason. Staminodes linear to obovate, light pink with a few yellow spots on the edges. Carpels smooth, tips light pink; disk inconspicuous, pink-tinged. Plant large, spreading.