Additional Details

1916-Farr:36 Very large, compact, globular, rose type. White, 2(10). Erect, medium, compact habit. Late. Extra good. $3.50.
1928-B:25 Double. 8.6 (Sym. 1915). White.
1928-B-d:084 Double type; very large; late midseason. A rounded, incurved white bloom, shaded yellow at base of petals, with many stamens mixed in collar, and the center petals occasionally have a reddish tinge at edges; unpleasant odor. Of moderate height and floriferousness; stems stiff. Foliage good. Needs to become established before it displays its true character. The flower is very regular and handsome, developing a symmetrical crown when fully open.
1976-K:008 Double – White – Late Midseason. Moderate height. Unpleasant odor. Very large, rounded, incurved white bloom, shaded yellow at base of petals, with many stamens mixed in collar, and the center petals occasionally have a reddish tinge at edges; stems stiff. Foliage good. Of moderate floriferousness. The flower is very regular and handsome, developing a symmetrical crown when fully open. Midseason.