Additional Details

1916-Farr:33 Immense, compact, bomb type, with broad drooping guard petals. Uniform shell-pink, with silvery border. Considered by Mr. Brand as one of his best. Awarded first prize by the Minnesota State Horticultural Society. Midseason. $10.
1921-B014:08 Symposium II rating: 7.5.
1928-B:24 Double. 7.5 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1953-B130:29 7.5. D. M. Sea shell pink. Fragrant. Named for Mr. Brand. Never proved to be a, good one.
1976-K:005 Double – Sea Shell Pink – Midseason. Fragrant. Large, round, full rose-type blossoms. Named for Mr. Brand. Manual & List in Bulletin 130.
1976-K:127 Double, pink.