
1921-B014:17 Symposium II rating: 9.9
1928-B:46 Double. 9.3 (Sym. 1925). White.
1928-B-d:129 Double type; large; midseason. White, illumined by many golden stamens hidden under the petals and by a bright tuft of them in the center when fully open; not notably fragrant. Medium height; free-flowering; stiff stems. Excellent foliage. A very handsome flower of perfect form and delicate, lacy quality. It is reported to be disappointing to some, but established plants are claimed to be excellent. The stock has been scarce and very closely divided since its introduction. Awarded special prize of $100 at the National Show at Cleveland, Ohio, June 5-6, 1918. “Much like ENCHANTERESSE, but a better grower.”—Boyd.
1962-W:083 Double. White flowers, golden stamens. Dependable. Long, 38” stems, good foliage. Opens with such earlier varieties as Kansas, Miss America, and Dr J. H. Neeley. Reasonably priced.
1976-K:069 (Shaylor, 1918) – Double – White – Midseason. Medium height. Fragrance not notable. Large. White, illumined by many golden stamens hidden under the petals and by a bright tuft of them in the center when fully open. Free-flowering; stiff stems. Excellent foliage. A very handsome flower of perfect form and delicate, lacy quality.