
1921-B014:17 Symposium II rating: 9.3
1928-B:46 Double. 9.2 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:128 Double type; very large; late. Guard petals large, undulating, flesh-pink with coppery tints on outer surface; center incurved, flesh-white in collar darkening to cream-pink in center, illumined by a few golden yellow stamens, and sometimes marked by several prominent crimson blotches; not notably fragrant. Dwarf; floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. A variety of unusual color, especially when viewed from the back. It is almost full rose type and has a definite bomb form on first opening. “On established plants, usually no crimson markings. Rather medium than dwarf in height.”—Thurlow.
1976-K:069 (Minot, 1914) – Double – Flesh – Late. Dwarf. Fragrance not notable. Very large. Guard petals large, undulating, flesh-pink with coppery tints on outer surface; center incurved, flesh-white in collar darkening to cream pink in center, illumined by a few golden yellow stamens and sometimes marked by several prominent crimson blotches. Floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. A variety of unusual color, especially when viewed from the back. Almost full rose type, and has a definite bomb form on first opening. M.