
1921-B014:17 Symposium II rating: 8.1
1928-B:46 Double. 8.2 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:128 Double type; large; midseason. Guards and well-developed crown bright old-rose-pink with darker shadings; collar wide and thick, composed of narrow, pale flesh-pink and creamy white petals; slightly rose-scented. Medium height; floriferous; stiff stems. Good foliage. A striking and conspicuous variety with squarish blooms which some people find attractive, but it is neither widely distributed nor popular.
1953-B130:30 8.2. D. M. Deep rose pink with creamy collar. Medium height stiff stems. Not widely grown now.
1976-K:068 (Brand, 1907) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Slightly rose-scented. Large. Guards and well-developed crown bright old-rose-pink with darker shadings; collar wide and thick, composed of narrow, pale flesh-pink and creamy white petals. Floriferous; stiff stems. M.
1976-K:127 (1907) Late midseason, pink.
1996-K:060 (1907) – Late mid-season, pink.