Additional Details

1947-104:33 Late mid season. Full double pure white with rose fragrance. Flower medium to large in size. Stems are of medium height. The open flower needs some support. The foliage is large. The plant is a vigorous and healthy grower and a dependable bloomer. The quality of the bloom is excellent. This variety has never been offered to the public and all the stock is in the originators garden.
1962-W:071 Double. Ivory-white blooms, heavy and enormous, with a suggestion of yellow. The stout stems are strong but occasionally must bend under the heavy weight. Dependable and popular, one of the best peonies.
1963-B169:31 This lovely double late white has not yet given us the plant we would expect from reports received else where. Since it was planted in 1959 it may be that it needs a longer time to establish itself than most varieties. Flowers 6″ dia. x 3½” high. Height 36″.
1976-K:005 Double – White – Late Midseason. Medium height. Rose fragrance. Flower medium to large in size. The open flowers need some support. The foliage is large. The plant is a vigorous and healthy grower and a dependable bloomer. The quality of the bloom is excellent. Introduced by Gilbert H. Wild & Son, at $100.00. Bulletin 104.