
1916-Farr:38 Very large, very compact, globular, rose type. Uniform rose-white color, 3(8), outer guard petals splashed crimson. Fragrance XX. Strong, tall, free bloomer. Late midseason. Very distinct, delicately colored variety, perfect in type. $10.
1921-B014:14 Symposium II rating: 9.0
1928-B:38 Double. 9.0 (Sym. 1921). Rose.
1928-B-d:110 Double type; very large; very late. Clear, light pink, richer in center and flecked darker toward tips, with crimson splashes on outer petals; fragrant. Tall; floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. Enormous, perfectly formed flowers of true rose type, with very broad and very deep petals of crisp, fresh, and distinct crepe-like texture. A remarkable show flower and equally good for garden decoration.
1976-K:051 (Lemoine, 1901) – Double – Pink – Very Late. Tall. Fragrant. Very large. Clear, light pink, richer in center and flecked darker toward tips, with crimson splashed on outer petals. Floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. Enormous, perfectly formed flowers of true rose type, with very broad and very deep petals of crisp, fresh, and distinct crepe-like texture. A remarkable show flower and equally good for garden decoration. M.