
1916-Farr:34 Large, globular, compact, semi-rose type. Pale rose-pink, 1(129), center and guards slightly splashed crimson. Fragrance X. Tall, compact, erect, strong grower. Late midseason. $10.
1921-B014:12 Symposium II rating: 8.9
1928-B:33 Double. 8.9 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:099 Double type; very large; late midseason. Light rose-pink, paler on backs of petals, vivid crimson marks on a ring of short petals around center; fragrance sweet but not strong. Medium height; floriferous; good stems and foliage. Unusually broad petals of heavy texture and uneven length but well placed. Generally considered exceptionally good for both garden decoration and cutting. “Considered by Mr. Shaylor one of his best originations.”—Christman. Worthy of higher rating.—Fewkes. “A wonderful show variety.”—Brand. “I should call it dwarf to medium rather than medium height.”—Thurlow. “A great exhibition flower.”—Boyd.
1976-K:034 (Shaylor, 1908) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Sweet but strong fragrance. Very large. Light rose-pink, paler on backs of petals, vivid crimson marks on a ring of short petals around center. Floriferous; good stems and foliage. Unusually broad petals of heavy texture and uneven length but well placed. Generally considered exceptionally good for both garden decoration and cutting. M.