Additional Details

1921-B014:11 Symposium II rating: 7.5
1928-B:32 Double. 7.7 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1953-B130:29 7.7. D. M. Guards pale pink with a yellow collar. This is still one of the best of the near yellows and is distinct in having pink guards. Medium tall.
1976-K:029 (Brand, 1907) – Double – Yellow-Pink – Early. Medium tall. An early yellow peony with pink guard petals. The plant is strong and thrifty and very floriferous. The side buds come into bloom with the main flower, and if left on the plant, they make a wonderful showing. If cut when first opening, the flowers will hold the yellow color; otherwise they fade to white. M. List in Bulletin 130.
1976-K:126 (1907) Double, pink.
1996-K:058 (1907) – Double, pink.