
1921-B014:21 Symposium II rating: 8.3
1928-B:55 Double. 8.3 (Sym. 1921). Fink.
1928-B-d:148 Double type; large; midseason. Large, cupped guards and conical center with an incurved narrow collar of notched petals, pale, old-rose-pink with a decided lavender tone, especially in the center; pleasing fragrance. Tall, free-blooming, with good stems and broad, light foliage. A very distinct variety. Good for both garden decoration and cutting. “Very tall. I should call the color light rose-pink. The flower is distinguished by its very high form.”—Saunders. “Ideal cut-flower. Strong grower.”—Boyd.
1976-K:101 (Kelway, 1888) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Tall. Pleasing fragrance. Large. Large, cupped guards and conical center with an incurved narrow collar of notched petals, pale old-rose pink with a decided lavender tone, especially in the center. Free-blooming, with good stems and broad, light foliage. A very distinct variety. Good for both garden decoration and cutting. “Very tall. I should call the color light rose-pink. The flower is distinguished by its very high form.” – Saunders. “Ideal cut-flower. Strong Grower.” – Boyd. M.