
1916-Farr:35 Very high-built, globular, compact, bomb. Uniform light violet-rose, 1(154). Fragrance XX. Medium tall, very strong, stiff stem, very free bloomer. Midseason. Similar in form and color to Madame Ducel, but twice the size. Not for sale.
1920-B010:38 Pale pink, high and incurved, making a flower of great beauty. $2.00. (Catalogue of 1906.) Cornell Bulletin 306, p. 112. Symposium 1919; five votes, one 10, four 9’s. Average 9.2. “Standard Bearer is an extremely large, compact, globular flower of a beautiful uniform shade of light pink; has a stiff stem; the flower is fragrant and very early. Although the stems are stout and the growth strong and healthy, it increases very slowly. It is the earliest extra large bloom that I have in the garden. “If I could have only three of Hollis’ varieties, I should certainly choose Standard Bearer, Loveliness, and Maud L. Richardson.” (James Boyd.) Sold by: 5, 7, 8 (four for sale), 14, 16. Grown by: 4, 10, 15, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 43, 45, 49, 50. (Mr. C. W. Hubbard, 6144 Lakewood Ave., Chicago, 111., wishes to obtain a root of this variety by exchange and offers some other Hollis, a Brand, or other choice variety for it.)
1921-B014:20 Symposium II rating: 8.8
1928-B:53 Double. 8.5 (Sym. 1925). Pink.
1928-B-d:144 Double type; large; early. Dark old-rose, overlaid with a bluish sheen of opaque, glistening quality; strong, agreeable fragrance. Dwarf; floriferous; stout stems. Good foliage. A dependable variety of the M. JULES ELIE and MME. DUCEL type, similar to many of the opaque, violet-pink varieties but surpassing them in finish and stiffness of stems. “Much like MME. DUCEL. Very dwarf and very early.”—Boyd.
1976-K:095 (Hollis, 1906) – Double – Pink – Early. Dwarf. Agreeable fragrance, strong. Large. Dark old-rose, overlaid with a bluish sheen of opaque, glistening quality; strong, agreeable fragrance. Floriferous; stout stems. Good foliage. A dependable variety of the Mons. Jules Elie and Mme. Ducel type, similar to many of the opaque, violet pink varieties surpassing them in finish and stiffness of stems. M.