
1921-B014:18 Symposium II rating: 8.8
1928-B:49 Double. 9.0 (Sym. 1925), Pink.
1928-B-d:135 Semi-double type; very large; midseason. Rose-pink, paling to white in center, thin texture; hollow, cupped form, at first showing many stamens, later developing a flat crown which covers the imperfect collar; faintly fragrant. Medium height; floriferous; stiff stems. Abundant foliage. A frail, loose, shaggy flower of much charm; at best attractively informal, but needs good cultivation to produce flowers which are not ragged and unkempt. “Should not rate over 8.5.”—Boyd.
1929-038:48 Rg
1954-Kelway Rosy-pink paling to white in centre. Entrancing in delicacy of colouring. Very large loosely built flower of exquisite form and great beauty. Medium height plant. One of the very best and most attractive kinds for garden or exhibition.
1976-K:078 (Kelway, 1908) – Semi-Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Faint fragrance. Very large. Rose-pink, paling to white in center, thin texture; hollow cupped form, at first showing many stamens, later developing a flat crown which covers the imperfect collar, floriferous, stiff stems, abundant foliage. M. Bulletin 38.