Additional Details

1928-B:26 Double. 8.9 Directors’ Vote. White.
1928-B-d:085 Double type; large; late midseason. A globular flower with white guard petals, faintly tinted yellow and sometimes flecked on the back, and a high crown center of clear white; the distinct collar of narrow petals, heavily edged with gold, and a tuft of narrow staminodes of clear yellow at the extreme center produce a distinct and charming yellow-and-white effect. This is from the introducer’s description.
1933-Sup:04 Double. 8.73 (Sym. 1933).
1935-B060:05 Late midseason. White. Guard petals white tinted yellow, center petals white with a collar of short narrow staminodes heavily edged yellow. Rather dwarf in growth. General effect soft yellow. A nice flower.
1940-Cat-CHN:52 8.9 Lovely white guard petals faintly tinted yellow and center petals clear white intermixed with a collar of short, narrow staminodes heavily edged yellow. This .yellow light is reflected through the flower giving a total effect of charming soft yellow. Late midseason. Certificate of Merit, A. P. S., 1923. L. D.
1962-W:071 Double. White flowers which frequently reflect a faint yellow from the base of the narrow petals. Somewhat dwarf. Blooms regularly and plentifully late in the season.
1976-K:009 Double – White – Late Midseason. Rather dwarf. Large globular flower with white guard petals, faintly tinted yellow and sometimes flecked on the back, and a high crown center of clear white; the distinct collar of narrow petals, heavily edged with gold, and a tuft of narrow staminodes of clear yellow at the extreme center produce a distinct and charming yellow and white effect. General effect soft yellow. Manual.