
1916-Farr:28 Very large, flat, crown. Guards and center pale Hydrangea-pink, 1(132), collar almost white. Fragrant. Very dwarf habit, free bloomer. Extra. $1.
1921-B014:18 Symposium II rating: 8.5
1928-B:48 Double. 8.5 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:132 Double type; large; early. Guards very light old-rose-pink and the somewhat darker crown, which develops early, is splashed with a few crimson markings; collar distinct, composed of narrow, almost white petals; not especially fragrant. Dwarf; very floriferous; stiff stems. Abundant foliage. Very dependable and attractive, recalling a very highly refined cactus dahlia. Very popular.
1962-W:084 Double. Opens with considerable pink turning to white. Large, compact blooms of good substance, high built and shapely with a prominent collar. Dwarf bush which bears abundantly. Increasingly scarce because of its age, but not inferior, in any way. One of the best dwarfs.
1976-K:074 (Calot, 1867) – Double – Pink – Early. Dwarf. Not especially fragrant. Large. Guards very light old-rose-pink and the somewhat darker crown, which develops early, is splashed with a few crimson markings; collar distinct, composed of narrow, almost white petals, very floriferous, stiff stems. Abundant foliage. M.