
1928-B:46 Double. 9.6 (Sym. 1925). White.
1928-B-d:128 Double type; very large; late. Clear white flower of flat form; guards broad and slightly differentiated; center of broad, graduated petals of remarkable substance; fragrant. Medium tall; upright growth; strong stems. Heavy, rich green foliage. Awarded American Peony Society Gold Medal at St. Paul-Minneapolis Exhibition, 1923. “Foliage and stems light green.”—Brand.
1933-Sup:07 Double. 9.04 (Sym. 1933).
1935-B060:12 9.04. Lacti. Double. Late. White. Winning the gold medal of the American Peony Society at St. Paul in 1923, where it was the sensation of the show, naturally great things have been expected of this peony. In plant habit it is excellent, having good strong stems of above medium height, good foliage and vigorous growth. Its flowers are pure white of full rose type, very large and of exquisite form and grace. Its fragrance is remarkable. It is one of the latest to bloom. Having said so many things in its favor it is with extreme reluctance that we are forced to record its one fault, for in many gardens it has not proved to be a reliable bloomer. But all of us grow some peonies for their extraordinary beauty which do not bloom every year, so this one should be added to that list of glorious exhibition flowers.
1953-B130:32 9.04. D. L. Pure white, Large, strong stems. It is unreliable in many sections. Where it does well it is one of the great garden and exhibition flowers. One of the finest peony plants in existence is in Mrs. Brand’s private garden where it has been growing for neariy vhirty years, never failing to produce 20 to 40 exhibition flowers on a strong stemmed plant nearly shoulder high. Gold Medal. Fragrant.
1976-K:069 (Brand, 1925) – Double – White – Late. Medium tall. Fragrant. Very large. Clear white flower of flat form; guard petals broad and slightly differentiated; center of broad graduated petals of remarkable substance. Upright growth; strong stems. Heavy, rich green foliage. Midseason.
1976-K:126 (1925) Double, late. Pure glistening white, fragrant. Flowers large and perfect rose form.
1996-K:059 (1925) – Double, late. Pure glistening white, fragrant. Flowers large and perfect rose form.