
1936-065:30 Rg A very large white Jap with fine yellow center. Tall stems, very stiff.
1939-RL:17 Japanese. White.
1943-B091:08 lactiflora. Japanese. Very large pure white with golden staminodes. Strong stems. One of the most distinguished.
1962-W:083 Japanese. Parents: Isani-Gidui X Marie Lemoine. White flowers, curved outer petals, bright yellow center staminode mass. Stiff, 30″ stems are attractive and adequate. A rare type.
1976-K:068 (Auten, 1936) – Jap. – White. Tall. A very large white Jap with fine yellow center. Stems very stiff. Bulletin 65.
1976-K:124 1976-K:125 (1936) Jap, late midseason. Very large pure white with golden staminodes. Strong stems. One of the most distinguished.
1996-K:053 (1936) – Tall Jap. white.
1996-K:056 (1936)-9.26. J. LM. Very large pure white with golden staminodes. Strong stems. One of the most distinguished.