
1916-Farr:39 Large, globular, medium to loose bomb. Uniform pale lilac-rose, 1(130). Tall, erect, strong grower and free bloomer. Midseason. Extra good. $3.
1921-B014:16 Symposium II rating: 8.9
1928-B:44 Double. 8.9 (Sym. 1921). Pink.
1928-B-d:117 Double type; very large; midseason. Guards very large, with usually smooth outline; central petals broad, narrowing toward the collar, forming an immense globular bloom; pale pink, shaded rose in the center, overspread with a glowing suffusion; moderately fragrant. Medium height; free-flowering; stems stiff. Foliage of average quality. A fine peony of noteworthy color and form. There is a suggestion of creaminess about the color, but the petals are too translucent to call it creamy pink and the tint is not strong enough to be called salmon. “I should call this rose-pink shaded salmon.”—Saunders. “One of the most beautiful blooms on the show-table.”—Boyd.
1976-K:059 (Crousse, 1892) – Double – Pink – Midseason. Medium height. Moderate fragrance. Very large. Guards very large, with usually smooth outline; central petals broad, narrowing toward the collar, forming an immense globular bloom; pale pink, shaded rose in the center, overspread with a glowing suffusion. Free-flowering; stems stiff. Foliage of average quality. A fine peony of noteworthy color and form. There is a suggestion of creaminess about the color, but the petals are too translucent to call it creamy pink and the tint is not strong enough to call it salmon. M.