Full immersion, full escape.
Trails winding past stunning natural features have been part of the Botanical Gardens’ Dixboro Road site since before its development in the early 1960s. Take a stroll and discover nature’s many beautiful secrets.

Fleming Creek Trail
Explore our many outdoor gardens featuring bonsai, native and medicinal plants, perennials, and more blooming seasonally from spring to first frost.
Dix Pond
Dix Pond trail is a great place to take an exploratory hike or go bird watching, given the range of habitats. The trail forms an arc through the eastern reaches of the Gardens.

Marilyn Bland Prairie Trail
Some of the featured native plants are known to have closely related fossils that date back to the time of the dinosaurs – find the modern leaf casts!
Matthaei Botanical Gardens Trail
Some of the featured native plants are known to have closely related fossils that date back to the time of the dinosaurs – find the modern leaf casts!

Sam Graham Trees Trail
This trail holds a special collection of trees native to Michigan. These trees are in their restored an natural ecosystems to show how trees are typically found in the wild.
Sue Reichert Discovery Trail
Some of the featured native plants are known to have closely related fossils that date back to the time of the dinosaurs – find the modern leaf casts!