Earth Day at The Arb

Arms around a trunk of a tree and hands make heart shape

Celebrate Earth Day in Nichols Arboretum. Join us in celebrating our connection to Earth by experiencing Awe in the Arb. Drop in between 10:00am-5:00pm for guided activities and nature experiences. Stop by the Visitor Center to learn more about the Arb and connect with the community. Light refreshments will be provided. Guided activities will start every hour on the hour.

Tentative schedule of events:

10:00am Poetic Pause with CAPS

11:00am Poetic Pause with CAPS

12:00pm Guided Nature Experience 

1:00pm Guided Nature Experience 

2:00pm-4:00pm Breathe and Bloom with LSA Wellness 

4:00pm-5:00pm Clean Up Campus

All events are drop-in and free. Created for students; open to the public


CAPS, LSA Wellness, Program on Intergroup Relations, Arts Initiative, Clean Up Campus 

Nichols Aboretum
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