Ann Arbor Backyard Beekeepers Meeting: What, Why and When to Feed Your bees?


The Ann Arbor Backyard Beekeepers meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 7-9 PM. 

This month's featured speaker is David Burns, who will delve into the theme of "What, Why and When to Feed Your bees?" via Zoom.

David is an EAS certified Master Beekeeper and president of the Central Eastern Illinois Beekeeping Association. He is also a director of the State of Illinois Beekeeping Association as well as a state director for the Eastern Apicultural Society. He is the host of the beekeeping segment on the Wildlife Pro Network and writes a weekly blog.
David started beekeeping in the early 1990s and started a beekeeping business several years later. In 2006 David began blogging and uploading beekeeping videos to YouTube. His YouTube channel has grown to around 135,000 subscribers. He also produces a weekly beekeeping podcast.  David became a Certified Master Beekeeper through the Eastern Apicultural Society (2010). He also writes a weekly column for Bee Culture Magazine. David teaches beekeeping workshops all year at their Training Center in Fairmount, IL. He also has a mentorship program known as Beeteam6, talks throughout the country at beekeeping conferences and is heard frequently on radio shows and podcasts.

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