Ann Arbor Backyard Beekeepers Meeting: Honeybee Hygiene and Health


The Ann Arbor Backyard Beekeepers meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 7-9 PM. 

This month's featured speaker is Dr. Kaira Wagoner, Ph.D., Research Scientist in the Biology Department at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, who will delve into the theme of "Honeybee Hygiene and Health" via Zoom.

Dr. Wagoner will discuss her work on honeybee hygiene and health, including the latest updates on the development of UBeeO technology.

Her research includes honeybee chemical communication, particularly as it relates to the social immune mechanism of hygienic behavior. Hygienic behavior is the ability of adult honeybees to detect and remove unhealthy brood from the hive, improving the overall health of the colony. She has studied the relationships between common stressors, brood-signaling, hygienic behavior, and selective breeding in the honeybee.

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